Trademark invalidity and cancellation proceedings before the SPTO

Since January 14 2023, the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) has been the competent administrative body to hear applications for nullity and cancellation of trademarks, without prejudice to the fact that its decisions may be reviewed by the civil courts (Commercial Courts and higher courts).

LOUBOUTIN V. AMAZON – products bearing a sign infringing a third party’s right, offered on an online marketplace in which the operator itself participates. Assessment of a link between the operator’s services and the sign in question.

The District Court of Luxembourg and the Tribunal des entreprises francophones de Bruxelles, Belgium (joined cases), in the respective proceedings in which LOUBOUTIN is bringing actions against AMAZON for trade mark infringement, referred a number of preliminary questions to the Court of Justice

Inadmissibility of trademark actions for infringing conduct prior to the time when the plaintiff obtained ownership of the trademark by virtue of a revindicatory action.

El demandante ejercita una acción por infracción marcaria cometida por el demandado en periodo anterior a la fecha en que aquel fue titular de la marca en virtud de una acción reivindicatoria.

’NEHERA’– Non-appreciation of bad faith – reputation is not proven at the time of application

On May 2013, Mr. Ladislav Zdút filed an application for registration of the following EU trade mark for goods in classes 18, 24 and 25. On June 2019, Ms. Isabel Nehera, Mr. Jean-Henri Nehera and Ms. Natacha Sehnal, filed an application for a declaration of invalidity against the contested mark, pursuant to art.  59.1 b) of Regulation 2017/1001 (hereinafter EUTMR), claiming the bad faith of Mr. Ladislav when knowing their grandfather’s identical named business for clothing and accessories used…

Utility model. Interpretation of the object of protection.

Art. 69.1 EPC (EPC 2000) establishes that: "The scope of protection granted by the European patent or the European patent application shall be determined by the claims.

Determination of damages for patent infringement by calculating the profits obtained by the infringer.

The particularity of the case examined by the judgment is the fact that the patented product was not commercialised by the infringer as such, but as part of a composite product.

Contributory infringement of intellectual property rights. Action other than the lifting of the veil of personality.

The direct economic interest in the results of the infringing behaviour and the ability to control the behaviour of the infringer is one of the three cases of liability for contributory infringement of intellectual property rights, as provided in the second paragraph of article 138 of the Intellectual Property Law.

The sign formed by the words “body” and “tone” is not descriptive to distinguish bicycles. Non-existence of a cause of nullity. Compensation for damages.

The plaintiff is the owner of trademark 2857285, "Bodytone", word mark, applied for on 19/12/2008 and granted on 04/06/2009 to designate gymnastics and sport articles, among others, included in classes 28 and 35.

Barcelona – injunctive reliefs – NFT’s

On July 29th 2022, VISUAL ENTIDAD DE GESTIÓN DE ARTISTAS PLÁSTICOS, filed several actions, requesting that it be declared that the defendant, Grupo Mango, was infringing the economic and moral rights that Mr. Agustín, Mr. Alejo and Mr. Alfredo hold over five works, that were being used by the defendant without their consent or authorization, and that it be ordered to cease such use, with the corresponding compensation, and to publish the judgment.

Television format El Rosco. Intellectual property. Subjective liability of the infringer.

The judgement of the Barcelona Provincial Court overturns the judgement handed down at First Instance (see Review) and, upholding MC&F's claim, recognises its ownership of the rights over the "21x100" test for a television quiz show, now known as "El Rosco", and that these rights are protected by intellectual property law.

’DEVICE OF A BANSKY’S MONKEY’ – Valid trade mark – Nonappreciation of bad faith

On November 2018, Pest Control Office Limited (‘Pest Control’), filed an application for registration of a figurative EU trade mark for goods in classes 9, 16, 25, 28 and 41. The application was published on March and registered on June of the following year.

NFTs Trademark protection

Faced with a high demand for applications including terms related to virtual goods and non-fungible tokens and in order to avoid increasing legal uncertainty, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) has published guidelines showing the approach taken by the Office for the classification of virtual goods.