What is required for a database to be granted copyright protection?

Judgment No. 23/2018 of the Provincial Court Of Barcelona of 19 January (ECLI: ES: APB:2018:187). Intellectual property: legal protection of databases: “sui generis” right. Protection requirements. Originality. Mr. Marcos is the author of a climbing guide published in 2011 which includes information about climbing areas in the mountainous region of the Boi Valley and technical information required for practicing this sport. The guide is organized as an index divided into 9 chapters. The…

Is it possible to force upon an intermediary the duty to cooperate in ceasing an infringing conduct?

Judgment No. 115/2018 of the Provincial Court of Barcelona of 20 February (ECLI:IS:APB:2018:1317). Intellectual property. Action for an injunction against internet service intermediaries. Defendant’s standing. The Asociación de Gestión de Derechos Intelectuales (AGEDI) (Association for Managing Intellectual Rights) files a claim for a declaratory judgment against a number of telecommunication companies asking that the defendants be ordered to adopt the measures required to prevent access from…

Three parallel stripes on a shoe vs. Two parallel stripes on a shoe

Judgment of the General Court of 1 March 2018 ECLI:EU:T:2018:108 “EU trade mark. Application for EU figurative mark consisting of two parallel stripes on a shoe. Earlier EU figurative mark representing three parallel stripes on a shoe. Damage to reputation. On 1 July 2009, the enterprise Shoe Branding Europe BVBA filed an application for registration of a position mark consisting of two parallel lines positioned on the outside surface of the upper part of a shoe. The goods in respect of which…

Period for submitting evidence in the EUIPO proceeding

Judgment of the Court of Justice (First Chamber) of 24 January 2018 Word mark FITNESS. Application for invalidity. Period for submitting evidence in the EUIPO proceeding. On 30 May 2005, NESTLE was granted registration of EU word mark “FITNESS” for goods in Classes 29, 30, and 32 of the Nice Agreement. On 2 September 2011, the undertaking called European Food filed an application for invalidity of the trade mark “FITNESS” on the basis of Articles 52(1)(a) and 7(1)(b) and (c) of Regulation No.…


Judgment of the General Court of 15 March 2018 ECLI:EU:T:2018:146 “Trade mark of the European Union – Invalidity proceedings – EU figurative mark La Mafia SE SIENTA A LA MESA – Absolute ground for refusal – Whether contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality – Article 7(1)(f) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001” On 20 December 2007, the enterprise La Mafia Franchises, S.L. (hereinafter, the appellant) was granted registration for the EU figurative mark “La Mafia SE SIENTA A LA…

On March 7 Cristina Hernández-Martí participated as a speaker in the pantel "The graphic representation requirement"

On March 7 Cristina Hernández-Martí participated as a speaker in the pantel “The graphic representation requirement” during the Legal week of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Cristina shared panel with María de los Ángeles Lombeyda, José Roberto Herrera y Juan José Arias Delgado.

6 benefits of registering your trademark

In Hernández Martí Abogados we tell you some of the advantages of registering your trademark.   Registered trademarks are an effective communication tool. They are an additional way of segmenting your target group and that this group recognizes you in an easy and quick way. Registered trademarks allow companies to use their brand in trade, as well as on Internet and social networks in a safer manner. This can prevent third parties from using it. The trademark is one of your company's most…

Intellectual and industrial property: Calculation of damages. Does Article 13 of Directive 2004/48/EC preclude national legislation of a Member State?

The Judgement of the Court of Justice (Fifth Chamber) of 25 January 2017 resolves a referral raised for preliminary ruling concerning the case between Stowarzyszenie “Oławska Telewizja Kablowa” (OTK) and Stowarzyszenie Filmowców Polskich (SFP), in relation to the interpretation of Article 13 of Directive 2004/48/EC. The question referred for preliminary ruling is whether Article 13 of Directive 2004/48 is to be interpreted as precluding national legislation, whereby the holder of an infringed…

Requirements of distinctive character acquired through use

The Judgment of the General Court of 15 December 2016, in the case Mondelez UK Holdings & Services Ltd versus EUIPO and Société des produits Nestlé SA, analyses Article 7 of Regulation No 207/2009. On 21 March 2002, Société des produits Nestlé SA filed an application for registration of the following  three-dimensional mark as an EU trade mark for Class 30 of the Nice Agreement, in respect of ‘chocolate, chocolate products, confectionery, candy; sweets; bakery products, pastries, biscuits;…


Judgement of the General Court of 15 December 2016 in Case T-529/15 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA vs EUIPO. EU trade mark application of the figurative mark START UP INITIATIVE.  Absolute ground for refusal.  Lack of distinctive character.  Article 7(1)(b), of Regulation (EC) Nº 207/2009. Intesa Sanpaolo SpA filed an application for registration of a European Union trade mark with EUIPO, for the following figurative sign: The goods for which registration was sought, concerning this judgement, was for…